By George D. Saravacos

This learn covers all of the shipping houses of nutrients fabrics and platforms - exploring viscosity, moisture diffusivities, thermal conductivity and diffusivity, delivery and permeability of small molecules, and warmth and mass move coefficients. The authors offer actual, mathematical or empirical versions of the delivery methods for every program, in addition to vital estate values and measuring tools for numerous foodstuff items and structures.

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Extra info for Transport Properties of Foods (Food Science and Technology)

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College Station, TX: Engineering Research Station, Texas A&M University. DIPPR. 1997. Transport Properties and Related Thermodynamic Data of Binary Mixtures. Volumes 1-5. New York: AIChE. DIPPR. 1998. Data Compilation of Pure Compound Properties. New York: Technical Data Services Inc. Eckermann, R. 1983. Information systems for, and prediction of, physical properties of non-food materials. In: Physical Properties of Foods. F. , Vos, G. eds. London: Applied Science Publ. J. 1993. Transport Processes and Unit Operations.

E. viscosity, thermal conductivity / diffusivity and mass diffusivity. A. Examination of Food Microstructure The microstructure of foods can be measured and evaluated by the following principal techniques (Aguilera and Stanley, 1999; Blonk, 2000): 1. Light microscopy (magnification x 20-500), which includes the compound, the polarizing, the fluorescent, the hot-stage, the computer-assisted and the con focal laser scanning microscopes. 2. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with magnification (x200500,000), which includes the scanning transmission electron microscope.

Transport Properties of Gases and Liquids 17 2. , 1987). In most liquids, except water and some alcohols, /I is a negative function of temperature. Pressure has a negligible effect on A up to 50-80 bar, but it becomes important near the critical point, where the gas behaves like a liquid. 3. g. 5 for ethanol. 38xlO"23 J/molecule K is the Boltzmann constant. From both Eqs. e. the mass diffusivity is inversely proportional to the viscosity of the solution. 18 Chapter 2 The Eyring theory of rate processes predicts for mass diffusivity an Arrhenius-type relationship, analogous to viscosity: D = Ae\p(-ED/RT) (2-38) where A is a constant and ED is the energy of activation for diffusion (kJ/kmol).

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