By Kate Fleet

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52 Unable to free himself from Venetian economic dominance in the empire, he tried to encourage the Pisans by renewing in 1136 the more limited privileges his father had once granted them,53 though at the time Pisa could hardly compete with Venice. On the other hand, as a counterpoise to Norman expansion under Roger II of Sicily, who had united Sicily and Apulia under his rule and had crowned himself emperor in 1130, John sought a rapprochement with the German rulers and the papacy. Following his successful encounter with Hungary over Serbia around 1130, John was finally able to turn his attention to the east.

Meineke (Bonn, 1836), p. 281; translated by C. M. Brand as Deeds of John and Manuel Comnenus (New York, 1976), p. 210; Tafel and Thomas, Urkunden, i, no. 43, p. 96; Pozza and Ravegnani, Trattati, no. 3, pp. 51–6. 53 G. M¨uller, Documenti sulle relazioni delle citt`a toscane coll’Oriente (Florence, 1879), pp. 43–5; F. Miklosich and I. M¨uller, Acta et diplomata graeca medii aevi sacra et profana, vol. III (Vienna, 1865), no. 3, pp. 9 ff. 54 Kinnamos, Epitome, pp. 5 ff. (Brand, pp. ); Ahrweiler, Mer, pp.

Psellos, Chronographie, ii, pp. 155–6 (Sewter, pp. 348–9). Attaleiates, Historia, p. 112; Vryonis, Decline, pp. 98–103, cf. C. Cahen ‘La campagne de Mantzikert d’apr`es les sources musulmanes’, Byzantion 9 (1934), 629–631. Cf. Vryonis’s important critique of Cahen’s article on his interpretation of Byzantine sources, Decline, pp. 100–1 n. 109. Contrary to the Muslim sources. Skylitzes states that the Byzantine army was ill equipped: Continuatus, ed. E. T. Tsolakes, ë H sun”ceia t¦v Cronograf©av toÓ ì Iw†nnou Skul©tzh (Thessalonike, 1968), pp.

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