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Time and Eternity: The Medieval Discourse

This quantity consists of chosen papers from the most strand, ? Time and Eternity? , on the 7th overseas Medieval Congress held in July 2000 at Leeds. It attests to the truth that the medieval adventure of time and eternity was once wealthy and intricate, and that its research is open to numerous ways and strategies.

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The same technique could be used by generating the number within the function by means of more complex mathematical operations though we have not seen this in the wild yet. ATTACK Breaking in Add-on Malwares ADITYA K. SOOD AKA 0KN0CK Difficulty This paper covers the working functionality of Malware Add-ons. The add-ons are called Application Extension programs that enhance the functionality of a program. The web browsers use a number of Add-ons as browser helper objects. The transformations in technology have increased the incidence of Malwares.

For size 1 a b c d ... //copy requestPW to unsigned array strcpy(finalRequestPW, requestPW); //cat the binary salt to binary array strcat(finalRequestPW, tempSalt); Table 2. For size 2 aa ba ca da ab bb cb db ac bc cc dc ad bd cd dd Listing 4. Snippet from SSHA Attack outlining the salt extraction process from a salted hash that has been acquired from an LDAP implementation // grab salt from temp & cpy to tempSalt if (strcmp(hashtype, "SHA1") == 0) { strcpy(tempSalt, temp + 20); } else if (strcmp(hashtype, "SHA224") == 0) { strcpy(tempSalt, temp + 28); } else if (strcmp(hashtype, "SHA256") == 0) { strcpy(tempSalt, temp + 32); } else if (strcmp(hashtype, "SHA384") == 0) { strcpy(tempSalt, temp + 48); } else if (strcmp(hashtype, "SHA512") == 0) { strcpy(tempSalt, temp + 64); } At the end of this code snippet the array tempSalt will hold the value for the salt from the hash.

Notice how the intimate knowledge of the hash sizes are used to calculate where the salt extraction starts. With this element of data, the crack attacks can commence. It should be obvious by now that this salt will be used to generate hashes of clear text data based on the cracking methodology you chose to use. Listing 5. C Snippet from SSHA Attack’s GenerateHash function ... EVP_MD_CTX_init(&mdctx); // Initialize the digest EVP_DigestInit_ex(&mdctx, md, NULL); // Add the clear text password to the digest EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, value, (unsigned int) strlen(value)); // If we have a salt, add that to the digest as well if(salt) { EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, salt, (unsigned int) strlen(value)); } // Create the hash EVP_DigestFinal_ex(&mdctx, md_value, &md_len); EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup(&mdctx); for(i = 0; i < md_len; i++) { // copy the hex values into the buffer sprintf(&buffer[i*2], „%02x”, md_value[i]); } ...

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