By Mary Eggermont-Molenaar, Paul Cullens

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Fortunately some letters emerged from the Van Tighem Family Archives, shedding more light on the Edmonton period; also on his enduring compassion for his fellow human beings. Leonard’s first codex often gives the impression that it is written by someone else, as he keeps referring to himself as Father Leonard. ” At the same time, according to Choquette, the Oblates “made more allowance for human weakness, mercy, and kindness” than the traditional Gallican-Jansenist moral theology. , “Father”) in Leonard’s first codex may be seen as an attempt to stress his status and/or an attempt to keep the codex a bit impersonal – codices were to remain in the parish and were not to be taken along to whatever new post.

Father carries on; he is old and in poor health, but he even sometimes strolls along the fields. I think that he will not be with us much longer because he is very caduque [worn-out]. Pray often for him and write once more to him, he likes it so much to get news from you. Father is at peace with everything God wishes it to be. Brothers and sisters all do well. I don’t know much more about the other family members. Aunt Anna’s son prepares to be ordained a priest at Christmas. Did he not write to you yet?

I have not sufficient Priests to cope with the situation, particularly as the Protestant ministers are now coming in great numbers. Understanding that the tide of evil to be brought on by the railways was unstoppable, the bishop shifted his priorities. He was convinced that the Indians “had or were doomed to disappear” and still saw it as his duty to bring them to paradise. And though missions were not financially selfsupporting, parishes were supposed to be so. Maybe the bishop deemed Leonard too good or not good enough to be the Indians’ guide to paradise.

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