By Tommaso Campanella

Los angeles città del Sole è un'opera filosofica del frate domenicano italiano Tommaso Campanella, del 1602. los angeles prima edizione fu redatta in volgare fiorentino, adottando lo stile dialogico proprio della tradizione esoterica platonica: il testo fu poi più volte tradotto in lingua latina, fino advert arrivare alla celebre edizione del 1623 di Francoforte, intitolata Civitas Solis concept republicae philosophica.

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Have we witnessed the death of magical realism? Certainly not. After all, for every magical realist text that is formulaic and out to peddle an exotic to the mainstream, there is the one that challenges readers, self-reflexively deforms convention, and opens eyes. For every House of the Spirits there is a Midnight’s Children; for every film like A Walk in the Clouds or film adaptation such as Like Water for Chocolate, there is an El Norte or a Daughters of the Dust. What is needed here is a careful balancing between a structural and a hermeneutic approach that will not confuse narrative fiction for anthropological artifact.

Of course, authors and directors can include signposts and specific entities to guide and teach the audience how to navigate new cartographies. When Spain expelled the Moors and exiled the gypsies and the Jews during its ‘‘discovery’’ of the New World and its transition from feudalism to a more modern society, the pícaro appeared in narrative fictions, in New World chronicles, and in diaries (see Ulrich Wicks’s Picaresque Narrative, Picaresque Fictions). 9 Present-day avatars of the pícaro continue to function as reader-guides into new worlds.

Helena Araújo, in her article ‘‘¿Imitadoras de García Márquez? ) These novelists have no use for a Carpentierean primitivist manifesto as such to sell their novels massively. However, their use of magicorealism can be a spiced-up and watered-down version of its storytelling form to serve up a consumable exotic. ). He critiques Esquivel’s novel Like Water for Chocolate, where magicorealism serves to spice up a story of the plight of a middle-class Mexican family at the turn of the twentieth century.

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