By Volker Weitbrecht

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1). 12), in order to describe such a process sufficiently. The problem is, however, that accidental spills have to be predicted fast and easy with online operating systems, which makes it necessary to keep the equations as simple as possible. One alternative possibility is to approximate with a 1-dimensional approach the solution of the 3-dimensional ADE. This is given by the principle of longitudinal dispersion which is discussed in the following section. 3) grows much faster in the longitudinal direction than it would have been expected, considering only turbulent diffusion in x-direction.

Depending on the initial conditions of the tracer injection, it can take a long time until well-mixed conditions are obtained, which is the precondition to apply a 1-dimensional mass-transport model. 7): A) In the near-field, mixing is dominated by buoyancy and momentum forces that are determined by the effluent. Transport phenomena in the near-field have to be treated as 3-dimensional problems. B) In the mid-field, the tracer mass is already mixed over the river depth. Momentum and buoyancy forces are in most cases negligible.

Influence of the aspect ratio W/L on the gyre configuration in a dead-water zone taken from Lehmann (1999) In order to optimize the spacing between two groins different parameters have to be taken into account. 5 the momentum exchange with the secondary gyre close to the river bank is very weak. This means that there is almost no movement in the water body which rises many problems in terms of water quality. The second problem arises from an economical point of view. The larger the aspect ratio, the larger the number of groins needed and the higher the costs.

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