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Exe Figure 1. org/. Using this site you will have the ability to submit a file and then have it scanned using 21 of the leading anti virus vendors. I tend to live by the motto of security being a process, not a product. Make sure to use more than one scanner. com Known Malware If you are lucky, the AV will be able to detect the malware you are analyzing. Upon detection the chances are very high of someone on the internet documenting every detail about the malware will already be posted. Google is your friend.

Figure 7 shows the results and consists of screen shots from both the Tilt and the attacker's machine. The attacker is using Wireshark to sniff packets and we can see that the user name and password is visible in the captured packet. The Wireshark captures the same information each time the end user refreshes the email client for getting new emails. Xpress Mail application provides end-toend encryption between the device and the server. Fig. 8 consists of the screen shot from the device and the attacker's machine.

STUDY OF MITM ATTACKS AGAINST SMARTPHONE DEVICES The Figure 2 shows successful implementation of MITM attack. Results The following section discusses the results obtained on the test devices mentioned in Table 1. In all of the test cases, the testing team set out to gain access to email credentials (user name and password) as a means to prove a successful MITM attack against a smartphone device and web server offering SSL security. For each platform, we tested these MITM attacks against different email clients.

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