By Chandrasekhar

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14) for ∇◦ imply ∇[X,Y ] QZ = ∇[X,Y ] QZ + h(∇◦X Y, QZ) − h(∇◦Y X, QZ) − h(T ◦ (X, Y ), QZ). 9) ◦ − (∇⊥ Y h)(X, QZ) + h(T (X, Y ), QZ)}. 4) and g(R(X,Y )QZ,QU ) = g(R(X,Y )QZ,QU ) + g(h (X, h(Y,QZ)),QU ) − g(h (Y, h(X, QZ)), QU ). 3). 11) + h(X, h (Y, Q Z)) − h(Y, h (X, Q Z))}. 11) by taking the D⊥ – and D–components respectively. 6) the fundamental equations of the pair of distributions (D, D⊥ ) on (M, g). 6) are equivalent to each other. To see this we first prove the following lemma. 2. (i) The covariant derivatives of h and h are related by g((∇⊥ X h)(Y, QZ), Q U ) + g((∇X h )(Y, Q U ), QZ) = 0.

12) are not satisfied by R◦ . 16) but we can not claim that K ◦ determines R◦ on D. This is another reason for saying that the Vr˘ anceanu connection is more intimately related to the geometry of non–holonomic manifolds. 16) but using the curvature tensor field R of the Levi–Civita connection on (M, g) (see O’Neill [O83], p. 77). Then we can relate K, K ∗ and K ◦ as in the next theorem. 6. Let (M, g, D) be a semi–Riemannian non–holonomic manifold such that g is Vr˘ anceanu–parallel on D. 19) where {QX, QY } is an arbitrary basis of the non–degenerate D–plane W .

Hence [X,Y ]∈Γ / (D), which proves the assertion (i). 37)) becomes g([Z, X], Y ) + g([Z, Y ], X) = 0. This is a consequence of ∂ , ∂x1 [Z, X] = [Z, Y ] = −kf (t)f (t) and g ∂ , Y ∂x1 +g ∂ , X ∂x1 = 0. Thus the proof is complete. 28) ∇∗Y X = ∇∗X X = kf (1 + f 2 )X + Y . 24) we deduce that ∇∗X ∇∗Y Y − ∇∗Y ∇∗X Y = 0. 25) with respect to the non–holonomic frame field {X, Y, Z} and obtain [X, Y ] = kf f (−f X + f Y − 2Z). 28) we infer that ∇∗[X,Y ] Y = − 2kf f ∇∗ Y. 28) we get ∇∗Z Y = Q[Z, Y ] = −kf f Q ∂ ∂x1 =− kf f (Y − X).

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